Diet and Nutritional Therapy
Nutrition is defined as the intake of food products that body needs to protect our health and increase the quality of our life.


  Nutrition is defined as the intake of food products that body needs to protect our health and increase the quality of our life. For a healthy life, the energy taken and the energy consumed should be in balance. When the energy taken is higher than the energy consumed, fat is stored in the body and weight increases.

  In the treatment with diet, a diet programme is prepared after some tests according to the age, height, weight, gender, physical activity level of the person. These programmes are planned specifically for each person by considering the suitable weight according to height (BMI). Furthermore;

• Nutrition during childhood, puberty, pregnancy
• Special diet for gastric and intestinal diseases
• Diet stimulating weight increase for underweight individuals
• Diet for individuals with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and tension diseases

are arranged and monitored.


  According to World Health Organisation, obesity is defined as the excess storage of fat in the body at a level that will harm the health. Obesity is affected by many factors including genetic, environmental and physiological factors. According to the data of World Health Organisation, at least 2.8 million people die every year because of being overweight or obese. For the classification of obesity, body mass index is generally used.  BMI is obtained by dividing the body weight (kg) with square of height in m.

BMI (Body Mass Index) VALUES;

• Individuals below 18.9 kg/m²  - UNDERWEIGHT
• Individuals between 19-24.9 kg/m²  - NORMAL
• Individuals between 25-29.9 kg/m²  - OVERWEIGHT
• Individuals between 30-34.9 kg/m²  - OBESE
• Individuals over 35 kg/m² - SUPER OBESE

are the classifications.

  In the obesity treatment, the fat, muscle and fluid ratios of the body, speed of metabolism, regional distribution of overweight, metabolism age and fattening aroung the organs are measured via special scales working with bioelectrical impedance. Through weekly measurements, it is determined if the weight lost from the fat or muscle tissue.

  The aim of the diet treatment is to maintain a healthy weight after getting rid of the excess weight and ensure a change of life style of diet.


Obesity Institute belongs to Nişantaşı Hospital.